Sunday, May 2, 2010

round 4

Carys has now finished the 4th and hopefully last round of chemo. 3 days of drugs again, one long and 2 short. the first long day was much better than last time, as Carys managed to have a nap for an hour or so in the afternoon. One of the drugs time time was the nasty red one in the black bag - doxorubicin. Perhaps that's why she fell asleep, her little body was just exhausted. She's also on the ondansetron wafers, which helps with nausea, so no vomiting or loss of appetite. So far, all has been well- hooray! Carys's CT scan is booked for thursday. This one will be done under a general anesthetic to keep her absolutely still for clear pictures. If the surgery goes ahead, the surgeon will need to use these pictures to do the operation.

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